Starlight Worldwide Championship Finals!
Championships Live Award Show: June 22nd, 2025
Deadline to Enter: June 14th, 2025
We are so excited to hold our Online World Championship Finals 2025!
All Rules for regular online competitions apply to Championship Finals. All routines that score 80 points or above in Starlight February 2025, or April 2025 competitions can enter the Championship Finals.
Registration will open February 2025!
Entry Fees:
Solo Entry Fee $40 USD Per Solo
Duo/Trio Entry Fee $40 USD Per Routine
Groups Entry Fee $40 USD Per Routine
Title (Miss/Mr Starlight Awards) $40 USD Per Solo (You may enter as many solos as you would like in the title competition, payment is required for each entry)
Photogenic Contest Entry Fee $25 USD
Improv Challenge $25 USD
Payments must be made by PayPal or Credit Card or Klarna/Affirm. After you register you will receive a PayPal invoice or Credit Card receipt and a confirmation email within 24hrs.
Eligibility to participate in Championship Finals 2025:
You must have competed in Starlight 2025 Online Competitions and score 80 points or above.
Please enter the same routines you qualified with.
You may enter all routines that qualified. Anyone who wishes to enter for a Title may do so even if they did not enter for Title in the Starlight competition they competed in.
-Every Participant will receive a Medal and an E-Certificate
-1st-8th Place will receive a Championship Banner
-NEW: overall soloist awards, a top 4 in each level and age category! Overall winners will receive a special banner.
-Special Awards in every age and level category
-Title Winners: MISS Starlight Worldwide Champion will receive a Tiara, banner with their name printed on it, crown charm and e- certificate. MR Starlight Worldwide Champion will receive a crown, banner with their name printed on it, bracelet and e-certificate. Their photo will be featured on our Instagram, Facebook pages and our website.
-Photogenic Winners will receive a crown, e-certificate and their photo will be featured on our Instagram, Facebook pages and our website.
Championships Title Competition- MISS/MR Starlight Worldwide Champion 2025:
The Title competition is open to soloists who wish to enter the Worldwide Championship Finals competition. A separate entry fee will apply for each Title performance. The entry fee is $40 USD per routine.
Title Winners Awards: MISS Starlight Worldwide Champion will receive a Tiara, banner with their name printed on it, crown charm and e- certificate. MR Starlight Worldwide Champion will receive a crown, banner with their name printed on it, bracelet and e-certificate. Their photo will be featured on our Instagram, Facebook pages and our website.
Miss/Mr Starlight Worldwide Champion RUNNER UPs will receive a small tiara, banner with their name printed on it, crown charm and e-certificate. Their photo will be featured on our Instagram, Facebook pages and our website.
Title (Miss/Mr Starlight Awards) $40 USD Per Solo (You may enter as many solos as you would like in the title competition, payment is required for each entry)
TITLE DIVISIONS: MINI Miss/Mr Starlight: 4 -7; JUNIOR Miss/Mr Starlight: 8-11; TEEN Miss/Mr Starlight: 12-15; SENIOR Miss/Mr Starlight: 16-19; & Miss/Mr Starlight: 20+
Both Novice and Elite levels may enter the Title competition.
Must enter at least one solo to be eligible to compete in the Title division.
We will have two Miss/Mr Starlight Titles to award in each age group (Novice Miss/Mr Starlight and Elite Miss/Mr Starlight)
Vocal Titles: Each participant that registers for a vocal solo AND vocal title will be eligible to be awarded Vocal Miss/Mr Starlight.
Photogenic Contest- Miss/Mr Photogenic Champions 2025:
Judges pick based on overall clarity, quality and captivating image. Winner in each category will receive a crown and receive an e-certificate and be featured on our Instagram and Facebook pages. Images can either be either stage make up, costume or regular clothes. Head shots only. One photo submitted per person.
The Photogenic competition is open to all participants who wish to enter the Photogenic competition. A separate entry fee will apply for the photo entry. The entry fee is $25 USD.
​*If you did not compete in the Photogenic contest in any Starlight competitions, you may enter the photogenic contest in the Championships*
Photogenic DIVISIONS: MINI Miss/Mr Photogenic: 4 -7; JUNIOR Miss/Mr Photogenic: 8-11; TEEN Miss/Mr Photogenic: 12-15; SENIOR Miss/Mr Photogenic: 16-19; & ADULT Miss/Mr Photogenic: 20+
Must enter/participate in least one solo/duet/group routine to be eligible to compete in the Photogenic Competition.
We will have one Miss/Mr Photogenic winner in each age group, and one runner up per age group and Honorable Mentions.
Improv Challenge- Improv Champions 2025:
Judges pick based on overall quality, variety and creativity of movement, and captivation/stage presence. Winner in each category will receive a Starlight banner and be featured on our Instagram and Facebook pages. Dancers will submit a one minute video of improvisation in any style to a song of their choice. Dancers can wear either a dance costume or regular dance attire. One video submitted per person.
The improv challenge is open to all participants/soloists who wish to show off their improv skills and who compete two solos at least into the competition. A separate entry fee will apply for the improv video entry. The entry fee is $25 USD.
Participants can enter the improv challenge even if they did not enter the improv challenge in previous competitions.
We will have one Improv winner in each age group, and one runner up per age group.
Any style of dance improvisation is accepted, however participants must improvise and not dance a set routine or the participant will be removed from the challenge.
Must enter/participate in at least two solos to be eligible to compete in the Improv Challenge.