Performance Categories
Acro/Gymnastics – A routine that contains primarily gymnastic tricks, including, but not limited to walkovers, front/back limbers, handstands, headstands, cartwheels, etc. There should be a blend of gymnastics and dance together.
Ballet/Classical – Ballet Only. A routine consisting of classical steps & ballet technique. Ballet shoes must be worn.
Pointe – A routine that consists of ballet/pointe technique. Pointe shoes must be worn.
Contemporary – A routine that combines both lyrical and modern movements.
Hip Hop – A dance that consists of the latest street dance style, as seen in current dance videos.
Jazz – Can be Broadway or Commercial Jazz. A routine that utilizes jazz technique such as splits, isolation, leaps, etc.
Lyrical – A routine that is performed to the lyrics or mood of the music.
Musical Theatre – A routine performed to the music of a Broadway musical or a movie musical.
Open – A routine that is a combination of any of the other categories; a routine that does not exactly fit any of the definitions of any other category. (No Vocals permitted)
Song and Dance – A routine that combines dancing and singing. Styles of dance can include Tap.
Tap – A routine utilizing tap technique and must be performed with tap shoes only.
Own Choreography – A routine of any style choreographed only by the dancer performing the solo.
Vocal – A performance of any type of vocal presentation. Please enter songs that are family friendly.
Acting Monologue- A theatre/acting performance of a memorized monologue. Please enter scripts and scenes that are family friendly.