Title Competition
The Title competition is open to soloists who wish to enter the Virtual competition. A separate entry fee will apply for each Title performance. The entry fee is $40 USD per routine.
Title Winners Awards: MISS Starlight will receive a tiara, banner, crown charm and e-certificate. MR Starlight will receive a banner, crown, crown charm and e-certificate. Featured on our social media and website.
Title Runner Ups will receive a small Tiara, banner, crown charm, and e-certificate. MR Starlight will receive a banner, small crown, crown charm and e-certificate. Featured on our social media and website.
Title (Miss/Mr Starlight Awards) $40 USD Per Solo (You may enter as many solos as you would like in the title competition, payment is required for each entry)
TITLE DIVISIONS: MINI Miss/Mr Starlight: 4 -7; JUNIOR Miss/Mr Starlight: 8-11; TEEN Miss/Mr Starlight: 12-15; SENIOR Miss/Mr Starlight: 16-19; & Miss/Mr Starlight: 20+
Both Novice and Elite levels may enter the Title competition.
Must enter at least one solo to be eligible to compete in the Title division.
We will have two Miss/Mr Starlight Titles to award in each age group (Novice Miss/Mr Starlight and Elite Miss/Mr Starlight)
Vocal Titles: Each participant that registers for a vocal solo and vocal title will be eligible to be awarded Vocal Miss/Mr Starlight.